پست بین المللی

Speedy International Courier

with Baarnik

Deliver Packages to Destinations of your choice in a Blink of an Eye…

International Courier

Sending packagess abroad from Iran is currently a challenging task. Sanctions, legal issues, finding a reliable international Courier, etc. have all but complicated the matter even further.

The International Courier Service at Baarnik will resolve your challenges with variety of solutions provided. Leave your packages with us, and it will be delivered to your desired destination fast, safe & sound.

پست سریع بین المللی
ارسال بار از انبار

Providing speedy international courier services will not be possible without an experienced team and reliable logistics. We have been successfully providing international express services thorough our vast network.

Why Baarnik’s International Courier Service?

Variety is our Expertise

Our international courier services cover a wide range of items such as documents, letters, gifts, souvenirs, product samples, etc. Your packages only require to have required standards with no legal restrictions.

Express Services

Baarnik’s express services will save you the long door-to-door dispatching procedures. Upon placing order, we will accompany you to obtain the necessary permits and send your shipment.


Baarnik takes all the security measures for the protection of your packages Safe and suitable packaging is our forte. Maximum attention will also be given to whole shipping process.

Door-to-Door Services

Should you need Door-to-Door Services, your packages will be collected at your doorstep and delivered to your desired destination.

Easy Tracking

With Baarnik, you could easily track your shipment through provided freight number.

Request for Consultation/Quotation

Please fill out the form and our counselors will reach you as soon as possible.

Other Services at Baarnik