ارسال بع خارح

Customs Clearance

with Baarnik

Customs clearance with our air transportation services…

Customs Clearance

At Baarnik, we provide customs clearance services on the strength of our experience in air transportation and customs regulations. We will professionally and precisely assess your demands regarding customs formalities, import and export consignments. 

بارنامه مشتری
بارنامه نویسی

We are able to provide customs clearance services in other ways such as land and sea transportation. We will suggest the best transportation and customs clearance methods based on your preferences.

Should you need customs clearance in different transportation methods, feel free to contact us so that we assess your demands and suggest the best solutions.

Why customs clearance with Baarnik?

Speedy & Safe

Our experienced team guarantees that customs clearance is carried out correctly and in the shortest possible time. We do the job in timely manner and at a reasonable cost using high-tech equipment and experienced staff. We take care of all the steps for you, from order registration and documentation to customs declaration and tax and tolls payment.    

You can rest assured that customs clearance and delivery for your goods are easily and appropriately done with our services.

Request for Consultation/Quotation

Please fill out the form and our counselors will reach you as soon as possible.

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